Obsteric hemorrhage II : During delivery
Obsteric hemorrhage II : During delivery 자궁파열(Rupture of the uterus)자궁내번증(Inversion of the uterus)정의- complete rupture- incomplete rupture태반이 분리되지 않은 상태에서 탯줄을 당기면 자궁저부가 딸려오다가 뒤집히게 된다.원인3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 101, 2, 6, 9증상A, C, D, EB Classical C-secLower segemtn C-secincision부위( ) uterine incision( ) portion of the uterusrupture timing1/3은 labor ( )에 발생대게 labor ( )에 발생incidence(high/low)(high/low)dehisc..