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Esophageal disease - I : Esophagitis Infectious Esophagitis Viral esophagitis HSV VZV CMV : only in immunocompromised patients particularly in the distal esophagus Bacterial esophagitis Lactobacillus beta-hemolytic streptococci Fungalesophagitis Cryptosporidium Pneumocystis Mycobacterium tuberculosis Candida : Candida species are normal commensals in the throat Parasitic esophagitis Other Types of Esophagitis Eosinop.. 더보기
Abdominal pain History in Patients with Acute Abdominal Pain Question Potential Responses and Indications Where is the pain?See Fig. 1: Acute Abdomen and Surgical Gastroenterology: Location of abdominal pain and possible causes. What is the pain like? Acute waves of sharp constricting pain that “take the breath away” (renal or biliarycolic)Waves of dull pain with vomiting (intestinal obstruction)Colicky pain t.. 더보기
Approach to gastrointestinal disease patient. Evaluation of the Patient with Gastrointestinal DiseaseEvaluation of the patient with GI disease begins with a careful history and physical examination. Subsequent investigation with a variety of tools designed to test the structure or function of the gut is indicated in selected cases. Some patients exhibit normal findings on diagnostic testing. In these individuals, validated symptom profiles .. 더보기
Postnasal drip syndrome -- I : Sinusitis imaging Plain X-ray of paranasal sinuses (Waters View) 1. Frontal sinus2. Orbit3. Maxillary sinus4. Nasal septum5. Nasal cavity6. Hard palate White arrows (Frontal Sinuses) and black arrows (Maxilla Sinuses) Waters' view of the sinuses. (showing partial opacification of the right maxillary sinus, with an air-fluid level.) Coronal CT scan showing right maxillary sinus opacification. Also, note the septal.. 더보기